Inflation’s effect on 2021 retirement contribution limits

The IRS released the dollar limits for 2021 qualified retirement plan contributions.  For 2021, employees’ and owners’ ability to defer compensation and invest for their future remains about the same as 2020. Because of low inflation, most of the common contribution levels were left unchanged, with defined contribution total dollar amounts (from employee and employer contributions combined) increasing by only $1,000. Although individual contribution levels have not increased, super savers ,who focus…

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Q3-2020 Quarterly Context Webinar
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Q2-2020 Quarterly Context Webinar
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Create your own Blue Dot to experience Blue Zone benefits

  What if you had the recipe of life choices that could help you live longer, healthier, and happier? That is exactly what studies show happens in “Blue Zones,” parts of the world with unusually high numbers of happy centenarians. If you don’t live in a Blue Zone, you do not have to move.  You can strive to create your own Blue Dot right where you are.  Read on for some of…

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An opportunity within a crisis within a crisis within a crisis

In this time of national stress, the global coronavirus pandemic and the economy have taken a back seat to the centuries-old and often ignored and re-opened wounds of the Black community. Individuals, companies and other institutions have a new opportunity to listen and create a better path. We stand in support of equality and dignity WealthStep condemns racism and discrimination and stands in support of equality and dignity for all…

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The rationale for investment manager changes

Sometimes, WealthStep needs to change the investments (i.e. mutual funds) held within 401k plan portfolios, or WealthStep Direct (for individual investors outside of retirement plans) portfolios. Rebalancing and tax loss harvesting for taxable portfolios are ways to keep portfolios’ allocation in check and lower tax bills, but what happens when a specific investment manager of a mutual fund or other vehicles needs a change? How does WealthStep decide when to…

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Q1-2020 Quarterly Context Webinar

How did coronavirus affect the markets as a wet blanket? How does the coronavirus stock market compare to another virus period? What’s next? Big government rescue packages. What caused the 1-year numbers to be only mildly negative? Why was the broad bond market also negative in March? What should you focus on now? The virus “corner” and markets. How diversified portfolios have fared. Is the market still above average for…

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Drawing from experience to navigate uncertainty

These past several weeks are a good reminder of the value of humility in facing something not seen before. There potential economic implications of COVID-19 are significant, and there are learnings from past crises, even if they were different. Back to basics It is very difficult, but especially important, to rely on fundamentals at times like this. The disruption that COVID-19 brought forces all people to get back to basics…

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