3 book recommendations

3 book recommendations

5 years ago 0 838

What are you going to read (or listen to) next? Whether you want to form new habits, create systems in a business, or preserve what’s meaningful to you, you can find answers in these books. Atomic Habits by James Clear James Clear, one of the world’s leading experts on habit formation, shares practical strategies in his book Atomic Habits that can be of particular interest to business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs as you…

Is your company prepared for the next disaster?

5 years ago 0 907

Preparing your workplace for a natural disaster is as critical as preparing your home, yet many businesses do not have an emergency plan in place.  In the Bay Area, earthquakes are a constant threat with no advanced warning, and the “new normal” of California fire season reminds us how devastating nature can be. Other regions have risks that are different but also dangerous. Whether or not the business and your…

Start this conversation with your aging parents now

5 years ago 0 767

  The time to discuss issues related to your parent’s aging is before you need to. Some senior care professionals promote the idea of the “40-70 rule”, advising that you begin conversations with your parents about their plans and desires once you reach age 40 or they are age 70. While this may seem early since most 70-year-olds are still quite independent and may still be working, you want to…

How to enjoy vacation without working

5 years ago 0 770

With smartphone connectivity, taking a “real” vacation may seem impossible for some people. While you appreciate the notion that time away is rejuvenating, you may not always embrace it. Even when you do take time off, the temptation to check your phone or review your email magnifies as soon as you step away from the office. Make relaxation and enjoyment a priority. “What if I’m needed while I am gone?”…

A few ideas to help plan for college savings & financial aid

5 years ago 0 828

If you have children that plan to attend college, you have opportunities to make it easier to pay for college. And, if you happen to be a small business owner, one of the most favorable treatments for business owners is your ability to increase the amount of financial aid for which your child may qualify by lowering your “expected family contribution” (EFC).  The EFC is the baseline for calculating federal…

When boring is good

6 years ago 0 793

When the stock markets have long periods of positive returns, as they have had for most of the past decade, it can be easy to forget how a bear market feels to an investor.  The last quarter of 2018 provided a vivid reminder. Large market swings and precipitous drops can unnerve even the most experienced investors, despite knowing that these swings are to be expected and are part of the…