10 questions that could change your life and financial independence

10 questions that could change your life and financial independence

1 year ago 485

If you aren’t asking the right questions, you won’t get the best answers. When you change the questions you ask yourself, you can change your life. And the financial dimension of your life is no exception. Use the following 10 questions to help clarify your direction, establish meaningful milestones, and solidify a commitment to getting where you want to go. 1) How would having clear life goals impact your life? When your goals are…

Recessions and your financial plan

1 year ago 423

The threat of a recession continues to be one of the most pressing concerns for investors. Inflation has proved hard to restrain, and the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates. Disagreement on recession likelihood Whether the U.S. will fall into a recession is still uncertain, and a subject of debate amongst experts. According to a recent UCLA Anderson Forecast, the U.S. is not currently in a recession, and the chance…

Q3 2022 Quarterly Context Webinar

1 year ago 481

Inflation is still hot but with signs of improvement, Ukraine is still at war and affecting energy and food prices, talk of a recession is heating up, both stock and bond markets continue to test investor discipline, is it better for the Fed to pull the Band-Aid off quickly or slowly? How long do bear markets typically last? That and more in the 2022 3rd quarter Quarterly Context Webinar!

Insurance during your midlife gap year: make sure your career break is fully protected

1 year ago 458

You’re embracing the idea of a midlife gap year. You’re picturing the landscapes, culture, and bucket list experiences in your mind. But unattended business is holding you back from peak excitement. You need proper insurance in case something goes wrong. When you’re taking a career break it’s tempting to ignore that responsible voice in your head. But if you do, this thrilling chapter of your life will be written with unnecessary…

Money and happiness: a multi-dimensional look at how finances and positive emotion interact

1 year ago 775

We’re all aware of the phrase “money can’t buy happiness.” But how much weight does it really hold? After all, our finances play a pivotal role in how we’re able to provide for ourselves, our families, and our communities. Money clearly doesn’t solve every problem. Many of our relationships are priceless. And no matter how much money you have, you can never buy more time. So it’s critical that we…

What to do in a volatile market: Should I sell my stock?

1 year ago 470

The stock market has been anything but stable recently. And unsurprisingly, that usually means our emotions haven’t been either. Financial freedom is tied to market performance, and when you start hearing about “down markets” or “recessions,” one question tends to come up in our nervous brains… Should I sell my stock? At its face it seems like a reasonable question. Afterall, if the market is headed for a prolonged downturn,…

The Gen X dilemma (part 1): how do you financially prepare and launch your children?

2 years ago 538

Gen Xers are caught in quite the pickle. You’re sandwiched between your aging parents and restless teenagers, and feel the financial pressure from both sides. You want to help, but feel uncertain of where to start. So what do you do? In this article, we’re going to focus on how to prepare and launch your children. More specifically, we’ll zero in on how you can help them find their financial…

Charitable giving: use financial planning to max your impact

2 years ago 516

Helping Ukraine is the primary focus of many right now, and you may be rushing to direct your charitable giving to the country and its people. You may also want to aid businesses, schools, and organizations trying to recover from COVID-19.  Maybe supporting weather-devastated areas razed from fires, earthquakes, and hurricanes is a top priority for you. Add in cause-driven and political contributions along with tithing to religious institutions, and…