Q1 2021 Quarterly Context Video

Q1 2021 Quarterly Context Video

3 years ago 0 901

Vaccines picked up speed but are hitting some bumps, spring fever and more spending is in the air, all of that and big stimulus is causing markets to continue to defy the pandemic, but diversification still matters. See a dynamic video showing how the top-10 stocks in the S&P 500 has changed over last 20 years (hint.. a lot!). Learn how interest rate increases can hurt bond returns. See a…

Q4 2020 Quarterly Context Webinar

4 years ago 0 980

Expected impact of a new administration in the Oval Office, Wall St. vs. Main St., stimulation-supported market returns defying the pandemic, almost surely unrepeatable 13.9% 10-year annualized US stock market return, what the yield curve is saying, COVID case patterns, investor actual returns vs. the markets (hint: emotional investing hurts), what % of stocks were negative in last 5 years (hint: a lot!), updated projected 10-year returns, and more. …Watch…

Q3 2020 Quarterly Context Webinar

4 years ago 0 1206

Interesting contradictions between the economy and markets, Wall St. and Main St. remain… Wobbly economy but stocks, and gold and COVID-19 cases keep going up, while stimulation is high from rates remaining addictively rock-bottom low. How long is the recession expected to last? What impact will elections have on markets, and what has the historical impact been? The GDP annualization whip-saw. FAAANM (big tech) stocks’ increasing influence on markets and…